videography training — Yorkshire Family and Business Photographers & Filmmakers | %s | Sarah Mason Photography & Films

videography training


At this time of year, many folk are making intentions for the year, both in business and in life. I was just looking over our quarterly plans for 2019 as I always think we haven’t quite achieved what we set out to do. We’d taped it to the back of the kitchen door, and as we were packing away the Christmas decorations, it was time for it to come down too to be replaced by a new 2020 one. One of our intentions for last year, was to start running filmmaking workshops. And we did it, after all the planning and seeing it come to fruition, we just took a moment to remember that it was a seed this time last year, and we gave it space to grow. We don’t find it particularly easy, the marketing side of the business, but that feeling is outweighed by how important it feels to us to be sharing what we’ve learnt over the last few years about making these narratives. 2019 saw us holding filmmaking retreats, and 1-2-1 days. So for 2020, we want to take our filming further, both in what we create for brands and families, but also in how we are teaching it too. It’s good to say it out loud! And I want to thank the group of portrait photographers in the images below. They wrote to me and asked if it would be possible for me to put on a workshop for them down in London. We hadn’t thought about this at all, but I’m really grateful to them, as this year we are taking the workshop out on tour too to groups of photographers who have come together for a day of learning. Next stop, Oxford in March!

These are just a few photos from the workshop I held down in Kensington. One of the attendees Amanda, opened up her house for us, and made us the most delicious food! And there was a bowl of Tunnock’s teacakes, which are just a constant weakness for my sweet tooth! In the afternoon, we held a practical session in a flat just around the corner with a Mum and baby. I think everyone was surprised at how much they took away with them at the end of the day, and it gives me a big Ready Brek glow to see their films popping up on social media. Here are some from the day…

Sarah Mason Photography Filmmaking Class
Sarah Mason Photography Filmmaking Class
Sarah Mason Photography Filmmaking Class
Sarah Mason Photography Filmmaking Class
Sarah Mason Photography Filmmaking Class
Sarah Mason Photography Filmmaking Class
Sarah Mason Photography Filmmaking Class
Sarah Mason Photography Filmmaking Class
Sarah Mason Photography Filmmaking Class
Sarah Mason Photography Filmmaking Class
Sarah Mason Photography Filmmaking Class

Some words from one of our workshoppers, Hester Barnes (Hester B Photography):

‘Having stalked Sarah’s work online I knew I was going to fall in love with filmmaking during this workshop. It was such an excellent introduction to the world of filming and I am amazed how much we achieved during the few hours we spent together. Working with a small group was great. It meant we could ask questions and receive feedback as we progressed. Sarah is a fantastic teacher - relaxed, fun and incredibly knowledgeable. Providing excellent tips and tricks that help you achieve great films.  The chance to practice on a real little family was the icing on the cake. I don’t want to shout about this workshop too much as I feel like am now part of an exclusive club! But really… it was absolutely brilliant! ‘

Ways to Learn Filmmaking With Us

1-2-1 Mentoring, either in person or over a series of Skype calls

Phlock Live - 20th-22nd March 2020. A number of workshops over the weekend

Life In Motion Day Retreat - West Yorkshire 20th May 2020. Filmmaking for Families & Brands