Stories Of The Everyday - Colour

Busy Girl's Guide to Thick Hair (5).jpg

We’ve had such a lovely time looking through the photos for our monthly Stories Of The Everyday theme. I think we chose a good month in May for it to be COLOUR with all that spring in the air and in our steps. So firstly, thanks for joining in. We love putting these monthly compilations together. At the end of the blog, we’ll be talking about our June theme - we have been really looking forward to this one!

But first, let’s bathe in all these glorious colours!

We hope you feel radiant and bright after the blast of all those spring rainbow colours ! So our June theme is something we’ve been excited about since we first thought about these monthly themes, and it seems like the right time to launch it in June. It’s all about A Sense Of Place. Whether it’s a landscape, a favourite view, a family home, a walk you do every day, a drive over moors, the smell of the sea and the wind in your hair. We want to talk about, and show photos of those places that get under our skin, that make us tingle when we talk about them, that feel so deeply ingrained and entwined with what makes us who we are.

Are you in? We’d love to see your photos and read your stories. We’ll share them all at the end of this month, just hashtag your photos #storiesoftheeveryday_place. See you next month!



In those in-between days, before Olive was born, we had a chance to catch up on a few Netflix box sets and films. We drew the curtains, switched the lamps on, and settled in for film nights. One of the ones we discovered is Kodachrome. The write up really spoke to us, and the trailer reeled us in. Have you seen it? It’s about a photographer and his son making a road trip to a photo lab in Kansas during the final days of the development system known as Kodachrome. It’s moving, poignant, and beautifully shot. Straight after the film, I rummaged in the top drawer of the cabinet in our lounge. Mum and Dad had given me a box of slides when they were moving house, and I thought I recognised the branding. Sure enough, they were Kodachrome. Suzi’s Dad gave us a slide duplicator that can be mounted onto our cameras to take photos of slides. It’s something I had on my to do list to complete, the film just acted as a catalyst. Suzi’s Grandad and Dad were, and are ,prolific photograph takers, so Suzi also had a stack of slides that we’d also wanted to look through.

These bright over saturated photos from our formative years were revealed. I’ve seen one from my red bonnet days before, but the others had been waiting patiently in the slide box to be discovered. We loved the everyday feel to Suzi’s family photos, and were baffled by my family seemingly erecting a row of deckchairs by a pile of building rubble!


But I guess this is what we both love about family photography and that these unexpected moments can be discovered years down the line. We love the colours and tone. When we rebranded a couple of years ago, we looked to old film wallets and slide cartridges for inspiration. Our work has that nostalgic feel, and we wanted the brand to reflect that too. In this digital age, we still wanted to hold a hand with the past, so we created our photo wallets for our family clients. Here’s a short film about them.

‘’We’re all so frightened by time, the way it moves on and the way things disappear, but that’s why we’re photographers. We’re preservationists by nature. We take pictures to stop time, to commit moments to eternity. Human nature made tangible.” (from Kodachrome).


If you get a chance, we’d really recommend Kodachrome. And if you have any other suggestions for movies/docs about photography or film, we’d love to hear them! We’re trying to watch a few more inspiring things when Olive allows ;-)

Stories Of The Everyday - Wonder

Sarah Mason Photography

And here we are in May! It looks like you enjoyed creating those wonder shots for April, there’s such a beautiful collection. But more of that in a minute, we just wanted to talk about our May theme, which is…..COLOUR.

It’s a subject that’s been on our minds for a while, We talked about it on a recent Instagram post, and we had such an overwhelming response. It deserves its own blog post as the conversations that were started are so interesting, and we’d like to collate them into one space. We talked about how sometimes when we scroll through Instagram, life can sometimes look a little muted and desaturated. I guess we just wanted to show those pops of colour more, and not to be too scared to include them on our grid. So we’re trying to embrace it, and we wondered if you’d like to join us too, and try it for May? Are you up for unleashing those splashes of colour in your photos?! Hashtag your photos #storiesoftheeveryday_colour.

But before we paint the town red (or blue, green, yellow, purple!), here are a collection of shots from April’s theme, WONDER. Light can make such a statement within a photo, and when we looked through these, it was so interesting to see how light really accentuated those wonder themes. Let’s start with the ever dreamy backlight……..

And if you’d like to join us for May’s COLOUR theme, just hashtag #storiesoftheeveryday_colour, and we’ll share them in a blog post in a few weeks. Thanks for joining in!

Sarah and Suzi x