A Foggy November Morning (by phone).

I don't know how many times I've said it over the last couple of weeks, but this autumn is absolutely stunning.  Light, colour, atmosphere, it's got it all. It's like the distinct autumns I remember from childhood. Early morning fog, the smell of damp moss in the air (I love that smell), the sun splinters through the trees, and the fog vanishing to reveal all those colours.

I went out for a walk this morning and headed into the fog.  In fact it never left the valley all day. I took these images on my phone (iPhone 5s), using the vscocam app. I'm writing this listening to Kate Bush, the fire is lit at home, and I'm craving stew for dinner!

Dami & Anthony

My first meeting with Dami & Anthony was a virtual one.  Suzi had just bought a new cover for the iPad and I struggled a little with setting it up on my desk, but just before our designated time to chat, all was calm.  The call came through and I had my first glimpse of those wide smiles! I realised as we were saying hello, that the volume needed adjusting on the iPad.  Not being used to the cover, I managed to knock it over and couldn't quite get it back to how it was. I kept noticing the picture of me that was being streamed to Dami & Anthony, and due to the angle, it was a little more nostril based than I would have liked! I forgot about this though as we chatted about their plans for their wedding at East Riddlesden Hall. It felt I'd known them for quite a while as we chatted, I felt that connection with them.

We met Dami & Anthony a couple of days before their wedding, along with both sets of parents, and we had a little shoot around Hebden Bridge as we chatted more about the wedding.

The day came, and we met Dami at The Old Registry in Haworth. Dami's smile is infectious as you'll see from these images. As we documented the morning, friends and family popped in. We felt so much a  part of these preparations, we shared in the laughter and joy. We left the cobbles of Haworth and hot footed it to East Riddlesden Hall. A very dapper Anthony had just arrived too, more smiles.

Dami rocked up in a mint green VW camper (Liberty Campers). We had seen her dress in the morning, but when she stepped out, helped by her Dad, we had a tear or 2 in our eyes.  I could wax lyrical about the day. There was a perfect mix of Korean & Yorkshire influences, blended with Dami & Anthony's style and warmth.  Hopefully the images do the talking for what an utterly beautiful day this was.  I'll leave you with the infectious smiles, but also with a poem that Dami's Mum wrote on the morning of the wedding, and read out at the end of the speeches:

When you were a baby
I said to you
Be beautiful like a flower

And don't forget
Every flower has its own smell and beauty
Just like a rose

When you were a child
I said to you
Grow straight and true like a tree

And don't forget
Every book is made of trees

When you grew up
I said to you
Be free like a bird

And don't forget
Stars are friends of darkness
Rainbows are friends of rain

Dami and Anthony
Love and respect one another
Because you have now become one

And don't forget
When two streams of water join
They become deeper and clearer.

- 12th July 2015 Jungja Jun -


Taster Sessions - Where Shall We Visit Next?

We had one of those 'blimey, was that a year ago?!' moments this week. We met one of our families in the street and we were talking about the shoot we had with them as part of our taster sessions last Autumn. We had wanted to blog about it back then, but as Autumn is here once more, it seems the perfect time to share some of the photos from the sessions. Me and Suzi were chatting a couple of weeks ago about running more taster sessions in Spring 2016. Those bluebells and green shoots might seem like quite a way off, but we thought we'd start thinking about it now. As we did the last one in Hebden Bridge, we were thinking of venturing a bit further afield, and we wondered if anybody had any particular locations where they'd like them to be held?

For now, here's that warm Autumn light from last year's sessions.

And do let us know if you'd be interested in future taster sessions, and where you'd like them to be.
