
Looking back at 2016

2016 was a year of community spirit, of solidarity, of strength and of love.  It had a less than ideal start whilst we began the process of recovering from the Boxing Day floods which badly affected our little town of Hebden Bridge, the surrounding area and many other towns and cities around the country.   The way the people of the town, and also strangers from far and wide pulled together and helped get those affected back on their feet once more, was truly heart warming and makes us both very grateful.

This year there have been giant wreaths, fireside cuddles, films, snowy and foggy walks in the woods, twirling in tutus, weekend relaxing at Salts Mill, our favourite Hebden shops back in business, a spot of glamping in a bamboo forest, old undeveloped film re-discovered, new adventures lived, first steps, first dances, family breakfasts, swinging in the trees, a spot of fishing, new additions, family stories, inspiring designer makers and many more magical moments.

To all those of you we've spent time with this year and to those we have yet to meet, here's wishing you all a wonderful 2017. Sarah & Suzi xx


And if you have a little more time - here's a selection of some of the short films we've made with families, makers and artists. Here's to a wonderful 2017 xx

Our Wedding

Over the past few months, with all that's going on in the world, me and Suzi, like a lot of people, have sometimes been affected by things out of our control, we've sometimes struggled to see the light. So, we've been trying to remind ourselves what matters to us. Recently, we've often come back from work to look at family photos, images from the past and present, and photos of our wedding weekend last year, a weekend full of love. When things are getting weird, tough, frightening in the world, just to come back to ourselves and be reminded of the love we have surrounding us from friends, family, and each other can be so powerful. I want to cherish that more and more each day. Last week, I looked at all our wedding photos again, and it brought back all that happiness and love. I've been wanting to write a blog about it for a while, but now seems to be the right time, and we've had quite a few folk asking us to show our photos lately, so we thought we'd share them here, and tell you a little bit about our days - yes, we had 2!!

Me and Suze have been together for quite a while now, and we wanted to wait until we could get married, in the same way as other couples. There were two venues near to Hebden Bridge that we absolutely loved, so we decided to incorporate them both into our celebrations, and spread this over the weekend. On the first day, we had the legal ceremony down at Gibson Mill surrounded by a small gathering of friends and family. In true West Yorkshire fashion, we had a lot of weather! We all walked through Hardcastle Crags to get to the venue.


We had quite a few tears, and a few giggles too when Suzi nearly married the Registrar by saying her vows to her!


And then - Day 2! First - the preps...

I had asked Fiona from Firenza Floral Designs to create a headpiece for me and I think my description was 'I'd just like some moss and twigs or something!' She ran with it, and created a thing of beauty - I loved it. Debbie from Zeitgeist placed it in my hair very expertly!

Meanwhile, my cousin Liz was with Suzi..


And then, a short walk through town to get the bus up to Wainsgate Chapel. It was a super way for us just to have a few chats with friends before the ceremony, and to take in the views. We asked the driver to take us onto the moors, so some of our friends from further afield could see the view from the tops! 

One of our favourite moments, was being greeted by the band Mr Wilson's & The Second Liners (they play 90's Hacienda classics in a New Orleans street band style!). They marched us down the lane to the chapel to Happy Mondays 'Step On'. That moment will stay with us forever! I've just been listening to this very tune whilst writing this - take a listen too if you fancy - I bet you'll be tapping your feet!


And then - to the ceremony. This was such an important part of it for us. We always wanted to do things our way, and writing our vows and tailoring this to fit who we are was a big thing for us. So when we met Jan from Celebration Ceremonies & Weddings for the first time and ate pancakes, we knew she was absolutely the right person. I've just read back through the ceremony and the readings, and I have  just shed a little tear. Our friend Shilpa and my sister Katy read perfectly, we shared our vows, and our friends Hannah, Ffion & Euan sang beautifully. I don't think either of us had anticipated how nervous we were going to be, but we just kept holding hands tightly.

And then we headed outside for dancing to Mr Wilson's, and some liquid refreshments!

Hannah had worked so hard to titivate the old school room where we held the reception, of course with lots of lights! We loved the lanterns from The Hanging Lantern Company.  It was such a treat to climb the stairs up to the room and see it all laid out, for a feast!

And Fiona had created beautiful florals for the tables.

After food (including cheese and cakes made by our friends), we said a few words, and then turned the room around for the evening's celebrations.

A few weeks before the wedding, me and Suze were driving to a job. 'Dream A Little Dream' came on the radio, and Suze suggested we have the tune as part of our wedding playlist. I had a word with my friends Dave & Euan and we 'surprised' Suze with it at the beginning of the night. I say surprised as I have an inkling she may have heard us sound-checking!

We always knew we wanted to book the amazing Me & Deboe for our wedding. In fact, we'd seen them at Wainsgate for the first time a few years previous. They are just super talented and absolutely got the party started with a mix of covers and their own fab tunes!

After Me & Deboe, we had a short breather before the Ceilidh began. The wonderful King Cole. And after that, a wedding playlist with some of our favourite tunes, and songs people had added to it. Much more dancing ensued!

A few months before the ceremony, Jan, our celebrant on the Saturday, suggested a reading to us. One that we'd never heard before, and one that touched us immediately as soon as we'd heard it. My sister read it out on the day, and we wanted to share it here. It's a quote by Jeanette Winterson:

“You don't fall in love like you fall in a hole. You fall like falling through space. It’s like you jump off your own private planet to visit someone else’s planet. And when you get there it all looks different: the flowers, the animals, the colours people wear. It is a big surprise falling in love because you thought you had everything just right on your own planet, and that was true, in a way, but then somebody signalled to you across space and the only way you could visit was to take a giant jump. Away you go, falling into someone else’s orbit and after a while you might decide to pull your two planets together and call it home. And you can bring your dog. Or your cat. Your goldfish, hamster, collection of stones, all your odd socks. (The ones you lost, including the holes, are on the new planet you found.)

And you can bring your friends to visit. And read your favourite stories to each other. And the falling was really the big jump that you had to make to be with someone you don’t want to be without. That’s it.

PS You have to be brave.”


Thanks to all our family and friends for their help and support both in the run up, on the day, and the days after.

And here's a link to the wonderful suppliers we had on the day.











The Edge Of Autumn

'Turn left at the bins'. I remembered this instruction given by my aunt and uncle 10 years previous. It seemed like we'd been driving too far on the single track road out of Newton Stewart. But there they were, a line of green flip tops on wheels. A short drive down the narrow lane, and we caught our first sight of Auchinleck Lodge sat on a lush green lawn. I slowed the car down as we passed over the Penkiln Burn on the old stone bridge. My aunt and uncle welcomed us as we hurriedly unpacked the boot, dodging the ever increasing raindrops. With hot steaming mugs of tea, we sat in the kitchen and watched rivulets racing down the misty window panes.

After a catch up, we sat in the lounge and watched the curling flames of a new fire. About this time, Suzi was introduced to a new saying 'the sun is over the yardarm'. I translated this as gin and tonic time. We were all reading, I'd just started 'Caught By The River', a collection of short stories written by different folk about bodies of water, how they've inspired them, become a part of who they are. My aunt picked it up, and realised that one of the stories was about The Penkiln Burn, the very river that runs at the bottom of their garden. The story is written by Bill Drummond, formerly of The KLF. He grew up close to where my aunt and uncle now live, and in the short story, he remembers the best spots for fishing, and a boulder he used to sit on by the side of the burn where he watched the water and the world around it. 'This is where I come from, where I belong, and where I will come back to when I die. The passport in my pocket may say different, but this boulder on the bank of this modest river, the Penkiln Burn, is at the core of my existence'.

You can hear the river from the house. As the rain persisted, the volume increased. From the warmth of the house, we watched the burn spill under the bridge, like gallons of ale. The water had started to creep up the garden. That night, after good food, wine, cheese, and the latest family news, I propped myself up in bed and read Bill Drummond's story about the Penkiln Burn to the soundtrack of the river racing down the valley. In the morning, the rain had passed. We explored Garlieston & The Isle of Whithorn, but more of them on another post.

The next morning, before we headed for the M6 and home, we took a walk around the garden. The smell of wet grass and moss cut through the air. The water had subsided, and the Penkiln Burn shimmered in the morning sun, the raging torrent a distant memory. There's a bench facing the river, a handy place to watch the water swirling in the pool, and look out for the tell tale rings on the surface where a fish has just risen to snatch an unsuspecting fly. I'd just stopped filming the water under the bridge when I saw a salmon leap clean out of the water, suspended in the air for a split second before crashing below the surface once again. It's a sight that sets my heart racing, it always has done since I was little, when Dad would take me and my sister on river walks to see if we could spot trout.

As I walked from the river, I thought that this was a garden on the edge of autumn. Between seasons, holding onto the past and not quite ready for the new. The leaves, still mostly green, but the appearance of acorns on the oak, and bright red berries on the rowan. The bracken with brown tinges, and the apples plump & enticing in a Snow White style. The sun, teasing with its beautiful hue, but confusing with its warmth.

As we packed the car again and drove away from Auchinleck Lodge, I slowed down over the bridge and looked back at the Penkiln Burn, a few leaves drifted from the trees and landed on the water's surface. We said our goodbyes to the garden on the edge of autumn.